More African countries eye China’s green technology to help accelerate industrial transformation

China and Africa have stepped up efforts to work for a green and more sustainable future, as evidenced by the rising import of Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) to Africa, and the expansion of Chinese EV industry footprint in the African continent, as China-Africa ties grow increasingly stronger.
This trend of closer green cooperation was in the spotlight during the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), where green and sustainable development was a central theme.

Officials and business representatives from China and Africa at the forum emphasized the need for closer partnership focusing on ramping up the green economy. Chinese companies now hold a global competitive edge in delivering green products, while African countries are seeking the green transformation and sustainable economic growth, the officials said.

The Global Times reporters spoke with key Chinese EV industry players and experts on the sideline of the forum, to explore how Chinese businesses are helping African countries to accelerate green transformation. By enhancing cooperation, China could assist Africa to embrace a promising future for "Made in Africa."

Chinese EVs have long been popular in the African market, and this trend has become even more pronounced in recent years due to the strengthening of China-Africa political and economic partnership. 

Closer partnership

In Kigali, the capital and largest city of Rwanda, the world's largest EV maker BYD has partnered with local companies to open the first BYD EV dealership in East Africa.
Rwanda actively promotes sustainable development and plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 38 percent by 2030 and electrify 20 percent of all city buses, while BYD's new energy vehicles products are the key to help achieve the goal, the Chinese company said in a statement sent to the Global Times on Wednesday.

BYD has expanded rapidly in the African market in recent years. 

As of July 2024, BYD-produced EVs have covered nine African countries and regions including South Africa, Morocco and Tunisia, and it has set up more than 17 stores there, the company said.

In Nigeria, electric buses made by Yutong Bus Co, introduced to the country for the first time last year, have been in operation for 15 months, covering 80,000 kilometers and receiving high acclaim from local customers.

Yutong said in a statement to the Global Times on Tuesday that increasing investment in new-energy products is a crucial path to achieving sustainable development in the passenger transport sector, where demand is strong in Africa. 

"The company will actively seek development and cooperation opportunities in the new-energy sector between China and Africa," Yutong said in a statement.

In June, the first store of China's Hozon Auto in Africa was opened in Kenya, where the company's NETA V was launched. In the future, models such as the NETA X and NETA AYA will also be introduced to the vast African market. 

Over the next three years, 100 Hozon stores are planned to be established across the continent, with annual sales expected to exceed 20,000 vehicles, a manager with the Shanghai-based carmaker Hozon Auto told the Global Times.

Currently, many African countries are adopting favorable policies to support the green transition including developing infrastructure such as charging stations and working out friendly trade policies such as tariff reduction, creating favorable conditions for the adoption of EVs. For instance, the Egyptian government has implemented "zero tariffs" on EVs to boost their sales, according to media reports.

Africa's rich natural resources, favorable policy environment, and the active participation of China's leading EV companies, with their technological advantages and cost-effectiveness, make Africa poised to become a significant growth area in the global NEV market landscape, a Hozon Auto manager said.

EVs developed and produced by Chinese businesses are increasingly favored in the African market. 

Data shows that in 2023, exports of Chinese NEVs to Africa grew by 291 percent compared to the previous year, according to media reports.

The shift to green transformation is crucial for Africa. By leveraging the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where green development plays a key role, the continent can embark on a path of sustainable development, Song Wei, a professor at the School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times.

China's EVs are well-suited for the African market due to their cost-effectiveness and tech competitiveness, Song noted.

'Made in Africa'

Chinese carmakers not only export their products to African countries but also work closely with the continent to establish local production lines as part of their efforts to promote "Made in Africa" for local communities.

In March this year, dozens of electric minibuses arrived in Ethiopia from China. These electric minibuses were exported in fully disassembled form by Xiamen Golden Dragon Bus Co, with local engineering companies responsible for assembly and market introduction.

In recent years, a number of Chinese power battery manufacturers, including Gotion High-tech, have announced investments in battery manufacturing facilities in Morocco, north Africa. 

It is of great significance for Chinese companies to invest in Africa to build battery and EV factories there. On one hand, it brings technology to Africa, and on the other hand, it creates jobs for local residents, Song said. "This is highly beneficial for Africa's green transition, industrial upgrading, and integration into the global value chain," the Chinese expert said.

The new approach, Song said, will help Africa avoid the old path of "pollute first, clean up later" and achieve leapfrog development for African countries.

China’s automakers show impressive performances in H1

Major Chinese carmakers have released their results for the first half of 2024, with exports and new-energy vehicles (NEVs) making remarkable performances despite challenges. China's NEV industry will remain healthy and grow faster, thanks to favorable national policies, strong demand and intelligence-technology integration, analysts said.

NEV giant BYD said that its first-half profit rose 24.4 percent year-on-year to 13.63 billion yuan ($1.92 billion), according to a stock exchange filing.

NEV sales reached a record high, ranking first in the world, with an increasing market share and expanding brand influence, BYD said. The company accelerated its global expansion, and the progress of localized manufacturing sped up the development of its NEV business in overseas markets.

Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp said on Wednesday that its first-half net profit surged by 93.84 percent to about 301 million yuan. The company is accelerating a shift to the NEV sector, with efforts focused on passenger vehicles, according to the company's financial results.

As of Wednesday, at least 137 A-share listed companies in the auto industry had released their interim results, which showed that their combined revenue had risen 20.52 percent year-on-year, according to media reports.

Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, attributed the sound performance of China's auto industry to a rapid electrification transformation, continuous tech innovation and strengthened after-sales services.

Empowered by China's continuously strengthening manufacturing industry, Chinese auto companies have notable advantages in the manufacturing of components, including batteries and electric machines, Cui told the Global Times on Thursday.

There is no so-called overcapacity in China's NEV sector, as it maintains a comparatively high growth rate of about 30 percent annually, Cui said.

A key reason for the expansion of China's new-energy industry is global long-term demand, analysts said, calling for examining the issue over a longer time frame.

It is unreasonable for certain Western politicians and media outlets to accuse China's new-energy sector of having "overcapacity" just by measuring current demand. Global supply and demand are market-driven factors, and Chinese automakers' efforts to develop NEVs underscore their confidence in the car industry globally, Wu Shuocheng, a veteran automobile industry analyst, told the Global Times on Thursday.

Global demand for new-energy products is on the rise. According to a study by the International Energy Agency, global NEV sales will reach 45 million units in 2030, rising to about 65 million in 2035, up from about 14 million in 2023.

Reported plan to curb ASML’s China service shows the US is pushing its allies to limits: analyst

The Netherlands is planning to limit ASML Holding NV's ability to repair and maintain its semiconductor equipment in China, Bloomberg reported on Thursday, noting that the move came as a result of political pressure from the US. Chinese experts said on Friday that the move, which violates market norms, will further disrupt the global semiconductor industrial and supply chain and predicted that the US pressure on its allies to join its technology crackdown campaign against China will backfire. 

The Dutch government of Prime Minister Dick Schoof will likely not renew certain ASML licenses to service and provide spare parts in China when they expire at the end of this year, Bloomberg reported, citing unnamed sources. The decision is expected to cover the company's top-of-the-line deep ultraviolet lithography machines, said the source.

The Dutch government's decision comes following US pressure, including potentially imposing certain unilateral measures on partner countries if they choose not to abide with the US' controls on China, the report pointed out.

A Chinese industry expert slammed the US' reckless move to coerce its allies to target China, and warned that if the Dutch government moves ahead with the plan, bilateral ties with China will be hampered and ASML's business will be undermined.

Ma Jihua, a veteran telecom industry observer, told the Global Times on Friday that the US has almost run out of its means in its crackdown on Chinese chips sector, having already restricted chip production investment in China and banned the exports of certain chipmaking equipment.

However, market forces are not in favor of the US' pressure, and the strong demand for mature chips has driven the growth of China's semiconductor sector, helping it mitigate the impacts of US crackdowns and maintain a rapid growth momentum featuring big strides in self-reliance and increasing market share in the global semiconductor industry, Ma said.

"As such, the US is increasingly relying on pushing its allies to do the job of containing China's tech rise while its allies are being pushed to its their limits, prompting the US to activate more of its tools in coercing its allies," said Ma.

Analysts noted the move by The Hague will risk damage to ASML's business, as about half of that comes from China, and warned that Chinese engineers may be forced to learn how to service machines and hone their skills if maintenance service is suspended as reported.

‘China Travel’ enthusiasm lingers on, with western regions increasingly favored by overseas tourists

"The whole world loves pandas, and no one can resist them. We were deeply moved by the sight of a panda," Denisa Petrilakova, editor of domestic and foreign news from Czech Media Agency, told the Global Times when she saw baby twin pandas - Yu Ke and Yu Ai - in Chongqing Zoo.

Petrilakova was among the foreign journalists captivated by the adorable bamboo eaters, calling them "super cute".

During the 2024 Belt and Road Journalists Forum, which kicked off in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality on Saturday, several foreign journalists visited a number of scenery spots of the mountainous city, and were marveled by their local charm.

China's inbound tourism has continued to heat up this summer, with more overseas tourists making China their travel and leisure destination. Boasting unique natural landscapes, more foreign tourists are choosing to take an in-depth trip to China's western provinces.

According to Qunar, a leading online travel service platform in China, in the first half of 2024, bookings by travelers using non-Chinese passports to book tickets on domestic routes increased 1.8 times year-on-year to 2023, with more than 10 percent of foreign visitors coming to China twice in six months.

Chengdu, Xi'an, Chongqing and other western cities ranked among the top 10 popular destinations for foreign travelers flying in China, Qunar said.

Thriving tourism

Today, more people are curious to explore China and experience its diverse culture. These foreign journalists were particularly struck by the stunning natural beauty of the western region, with its rolling hills, fast-flowing rivers, lush forests, and many world heritage sites.

Taking the Two-River Cruise on the Yangtze and Jialing rivers, the journalists were impressed with an unforgettable experience when taking in Chongqing's cityscape at night.
Petrilakova said that in addition to Beijing and Shanghai, she would recommend Chongqing to Czechs. "I was very touched by the night view of the mountain city, which is really special and beautiful."

"I don't want to leave this cruise ship. I'm mesmerized by the city's vibrant night scenery," Kirtan Bhana, director and editor of The Diplomatic Society, a media outlet in South Africa, told the Global Times.

Elizabeth Sade, a senior reporter from the Media Association of Solomon Islands, was struck by three massive natural stone bridges in the Fairy Mountain of Wulong district in Chongqing.

The Three Natural Bridges is a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site, renowned for its breathtaking karst landscape.
"The three bridges that we visited were something that I was thrilled about. Alongside, the strong connection that I saw between locals and the environment also amazes me," Sade told the Global Times, noting that she was impressed by local government's efforts to promote tourism and protect ecologic diversity.

"I love the foggy scenery in the Fairy Mountain, and it makes me feel like I'm in paradise," Melisa Skender, general secretary from Croatian Journalists' Association, told the Global Times.

"We are continuously improving the level of visitor services," He Qing, secretary of the CPC Wulong District Committee of Chongqing, told the Global Times, noting that the Fairy Mountain has set up payment facilitation services, with 139 ATMs for foreign card cash withdrawal and 91 POS machines for facilitating payments by foreign tourists.

From January to July this year, the district received a total of 94,000 foreign tourists, an increase of 221.9 percent year-on-year, He Qing said.

Since the country continuously rolled out its visa-free entry policies from last year, the number of foreign inbound tourists has kept growing.

According to the latest statistics from the National Immigration Administration (NIA), from January to July this year, the number of foreign visitor trips to China soared by 129.9 percent year-on-year to 17.25 million. During the period, 846,000 port visas were issued to foreigners who have urgent needs to enter China but do not have enough time to apply for visas at Chinese embassies or consulates abroad. The figure rose 183 percent year-on-year.

The foreign visitors are estimated to boost consumption topping 100 billion yuan ($14.07 billion) in total, with a per capita daily average consumption volume hitting nearly 3,500 yuan, according to the NIA.

Deepfake crime in S.Korea triggers discussions in China

A deepfake crime surge in South Korea has sparked worries in China as Chinese experts said on Sunday that AI-powered scams have turned into an international concern, and social media platform operators should take more action.

Numerous chat rooms suspected of creating and distributing deepfake pornographic material with doctored photos of ordinary women and female service members have been reportedly discovered on messaging app Telegram recently, with many of the victims and perpetrators known to be teenagers, The Korea Times reported last week.

Perpetrators reportedly used social media platforms such as Instagram to save or screen-capture photos of victims, which are then used to create deepfake pornographic material, the Guardian reported.

The incident in South Korea attracted particular attention in China after multiple netizens, claiming to be South Korean women, posted on Chinese social media platforms recently, saying that they hope Chinese netizens will spread the story as they are that afraid that the incident is being overlooked in their country, Shanghai-based news website reported on Saturday.

There are similar situations in other countries, making deepfake technology an international problem, Xie Yongjiang, a professor at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, told Global Times on Sunday. 

As AI develops, deepfake technology is increasingly realistic, and coupled with the fact that it does not require specialized knowledge; more criminals are now scamming by means of counterfeiting some videos and pictures, and more attention should be paid to it, he said.

In June, a male suspect in China surnamed Bai was prosecuted for producing and selling obscene materials for profit as he used deepfake technology to create nearly 7,000 fake nude photos involving female students and teachers.

Since the wider public are not yet capable of differentiate AI-generated content from reality-based content, relevant authorities should develop appropriate identification technologies, Xie said, suggesting social media platform operators to set up mechanisms to deal with the issue.

Unfair scrutiny might hamper China's Olympic swimmers' performances

The Chinese swimming team's recent performances at the Paris Olympics have raised concerns about the impact of excessive doping tests on their preparation and performance.

Butterfly specialist Zhang Yufei's third-place finish in the women's 100 meters butterfly and breaststroke world champion Qin Haiyang's unexpected seventh-place result in the men's 100 meters breaststroke were the most discussed results on Chinese social media. It is imperative to scrutinize the conditions under which they have been competing, particularly the frequency and timing of these tests, netizens said.

Olympic diving champion Gao Min has raised questions, claiming that the Chinese swimming team is subject to up to seven doping tests a day. She argues that these procedures, while ensuring fair play, might inadvertently hinder the performance of Chinese swimmers.

A glimpse into the daily routine of these athletes, unveiled by a Chinese volunteer on social media, shed a light on the taxing nature of their schedule.

At the Athletes Village in Paris, Chinese swimmers Zhang and Yang Junxuan wait at the Doping Control Center (DCC) as early as 5:30 am, while DCC agents and volunteers often have to go to the rooms of other athletes who are reluctant to take tests that early. The Chinese athletes, however, never opt for the easier route of delaying the tests, demonstrating their commitment to full compliance.

Despite securing the bronze medal and breaking the Asian record in the women's 4x100m freestyle relay, Zhang emphasized the importance of transparency and cooperation with anti-doping agencies, despite the inconvenience and emotional strain of early morning tests.

Facing international media, fellow Chinese swimmer Fei Liwei also confidently reiterated the team's dedication to clean competition and rigorous training after setting a new personal best in the men's 400 meters freestyle.

As the narrative unfolds, it becomes evident that the Chinese athletes are caught in a dual struggle - striving for excellence while navigating an environment of intense scrutiny. The call for fairness in doping tests is not about seeking leniency but about ensuring that the spirit of competition remains just and equal for all.

While multiple factors influence athletes' performances, minimizing out-of-competition impacts is crucial. Ensuring fair and equal conditions will not only support the athletes but also enhance the overall excitement and integrity of the competition, thrilling fans worldwide.

China’s Olympic gold medal map:Which provinces lead the pack?

As the Paris Olympics came to an end, the Chinese sports delegation has set a new record for its best-ever performance in an overseas Olympics, securing 40 gold, 27 silver, and 24 bronze medals. Since China's return to the Olympic Games in 1984, the nation has garnered a total of 303 gold medals, with 322 athletes achieving Olympic champion status. Here is China's Olympic gold medal map.

Recent data reveal that these Olympic champions hail from 26 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across China. Leading the way is Northeast China's Liaoning Province with 38 Olympic champions, followed by East China's Jiangsu, Central China's Hubei, East China's Shandong and Zhejiang, and South China's Guangdong each boasting over 20 champions, according to a report by the National Business Daily.

Liaoning: hometown of Olympic champions

Since shooter Li Yuwei claimed Liaoning's first Olympic gold in 1984, the province has produced 38 Olympic champions, more than any other region in China. In the Paris Games, Ma Long, a table tennis player from Anshan, Liaoning, secured his sixth Olympic gold, making history as China's first six-time Olympic champion. Ma's achievement adds to Liaoning's reputation for producing table tennis champions, including former stars like Wang Nan, Ma Lin, Guo Yue, Li Xiaoxia and Liu Shiwen.

Anshan, in particular, has been recognized as a "City of Olympic Champions" by the Chinese Olympic Committee, having contributed 16 Olympic gold medals. 

Beyond table tennis, Liaoning has also produced nine volleyball champions, four top athletes in judo, three gold medalists in badminton and another three top performers in weightlifting.

Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai: dominating the pool

The Paris Olympics saw Pan Zhanle from Wenzhou, Zhejiang, set a new world record in the men's 100-meter freestyle, adding another gold to China's tally. He also contributed to the team's victory in the men's 4x100-meter medley relay, reinforcing the dominance of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai region.

Since swimmer Qian Hong from Hebei won China's first Olympic gold in the women's 100-meter butterfly in 1992, the country has produced 18 Olympic swimming champions. Eleven of these athletes are from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai - with Zhejiang contributing six, Shanghai three, and Jiangsu two - accounting for about one-fifth of the region's total Olympic champions.

Diving: a legacy of champions from Guangdong and Hubei

China has secured gold in diving at every Olympic Games since Seoul 1988. Guangdong and Hubei have played important roles, contributing over half of China's diving champions. 

Guangdong, with 10 champions, is considered the pioneer of Chinese diving. The province has produced stars like Quan Hongchan, the youngest three-time Olympic gold medalist, who hails from the city of Zhanjiang.

Since the 1950s and 1960s, nearly all national diving champions in China have been from Guangdong. The first national diving training team was also primarily composed of Guangdong athletes. Currently, Guangdong has 13 diving talent training bases located in cities including Guangzhou, Zhanjiang, Dongguan, Zhongshan and Shantou.

Hubei, home to eight diving champions, made its mark with Zhou Jihong's gold in the women's 10-meter platform at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, the first for China in diving. Hubei has since developed a robust training system that has produced champions like Chang Yani and Wang Zongyuan.

China’s MSS warns public of overseas espionage threats through professional networking apps

China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) warned the public on Friday to be vigilant against overseas espionage intelligence agencies using professional networking apps for recruitment and espionage activities, which pose a threat to national security.

Compared to traditional social networking apps, professional ones allow the creation of user profiles. When registering for these apps, users usually use their real information, including name, contact information, and work experience.

Additionally, these apps establish communities based on user information to help users expand their professional network, such as colleagues, classmates, and industry peers. Overseas espionage intelligence agencies target professional networking apps because the apps make it easy to identify specific industry professionals and infiltrate such communities to gather information, with the goal of recruiting talents in key sectors, said the MSS.

Overseas intelligence agencies use professionals in specific industries as cover to approach individuals in key industries such as in the science and energy sectors, to gain access to even classified information under the excuse of "discussing industry policies," "scientific research," or "consulting on projects," the MSS said.

The spies create a professional image on networking apps to attract the target, build a relationship through industry discussions, emotional manipulation, and benefits, and eventually solicit sensitive information for espionage activities, according to the MSS.

The MSS reminded the public that when using professional networking apps, individuals should remain vigilant against recruitment tactics, protect personal privacy and sensitive industry data, and avoid disclosing sensitive information.

China's Counter-espionage Law stipulates that state organs, people's organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and other social organizations bear entity responsibility for that unit's efforts on counter-espionage security precautions. They should implement anti-espionage security measures, educate their personnel on safeguarding national security, and mobilize and organize their personnel to prevent and stop espionage activities.

Innovative Chinese university admission letters go viral online

In recent days, admission letters from Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) have been making waves online for being made from special high-tech materials and having unique features - they are fireproof, anti-scald, and the envelop can even be used to cut vegetables. 

On social media platforms, several students showed their admission letters of BUCT by cutting watermelons, meat, and other items, testing the durability of the letters and sharing videos online, which has caught the attention of netizens. Many have exclaimed, "This academic qualification is 'tough'!"

The admission letters are made of carbon fiber composite material, with a thickness of only 0.2 millimeters. They are said to have the characteristics of being "as thin as a hair, as light as a feather, as strong as steel, and as precious as gold." Carbon fiber is known as the industrial "black gold" and is widely used in aerospace, military, and maritime fields due to its high heat and corrosion resistance.

According to Chinese media outlet Guangming Daily, the admission letter represents the successful transformation of domestic carbon fiber composite materials from "high-end" products to "popular" products, which is a vivid practice of the school's research achievements transformation.

This year, admission letters are no longer just proof of enrollment. They are gradually becoming a unique window to showcase university culture and innovation spirit. 

Many other universities have all showcased their creativity in the design of admission letters, attracting public attention like never before.

The design of the admission letter from Beijing Film Academy is inspired by film slates. When opened, it feels like the beginning of a movie, filled with artistic and dreamy vibes. 

The admission letter from Zhejiang A&F University is made from bamboo, using the school's independently developed bamboo slicing technology. The thin bamboo fibers form a vivid "forest," full of ecological and technological appeal.

These creatively designed admission letters cleverly incorporate traditional Chinese elements, exuding a sense of Chinese romance and fully showcasing Chinese aesthetics.

Many students eagerly shared their special admission letters to the public. Various styles and creative admission letters are being shared on platforms like Weibo and Douyin, creating new trending topics.

Graduates, on the other hand, envy current students while humorously expressing their longing for their own letters.